Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Laundry Room Hell

I wish my laundry room looked like this!

I believe it might look more like this...


  1. I feel you sister! I dream of having a laundry room that looks like the magazines, or even pintrest! I mean I spend a good amount of time in there, it should be nice to be in, but alas, it is in the corner of a basement that needs cleaned, and painted, and the list can go on forever!!

    stopped by from far above rubies hop

    Marissa @ forfunreadinglist.blogspot.com

  2. LOL!! How did you get a picture of my messy laundry room? Love your blog and I am now a follower! Can't wait to connect with you.

  3. hi im following via social moms stop by and say hi at http://www.yourbeautyonabudget.com/

  4. Hey, me too, I wish I had a laundry room looking like the above. Geez, I wish I had a laundry room Full Stop!! (Thank you London for making tiny flats)! lol.
    I'm following you. Feel free to visit my blog at www.sciencesosexy.com
    See you soon, Esmeralda

  5. too funny! found you from the blog hop, now following via google friend. would love a follow back


  6. Couldn't agree more! haha
    New follower from the Blog Hop
    My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog

  7. Glad other people have laundry rooms that aren't perfect! Some of these young, cute bloggers don't have a clue!

  8. Haha, I feel exactly the same way you do! My laundry room isn't even a room. Its a closet in a hallway. Unfortunately that usually means piles of laundry in the hallway -_-;;

  9. Lol! They never use real people's laundry rooms for those pictures!

    1. I meant the top picture of course. The second one could certainly be for real!

  10. Yes! Finally, I photo that looks like my laundery room. (the second one of course.)
    Thanks for following my blog. Happy to have you and I look forward to learning more about you and your life.
    I'm a new follower.
    Leslie (aka gwen moss blog)

  11. Scores of laundry - I remember those days all too well. But they will turn into sweet memories all too soon, and this too, shall pass :)

  12. I must admit, I too covet those gorgeous laundry rooms I see on pinterest. Really, some are far better than my own bedroom. Granite counter tops to fold the undies on! Really! Do we need all of this?

  13. You gals absolutely must visit my blog and my new laundry routine. My laundry room looked like that second one for sure and now it doesn't'!!!

    Visiting and following from the blog hop I'm a mom too!

    I love a real mom blog!!
